Friday, May 06, 2005

Link Updating Time
Why in the name of all that is good and pure is Jose Vizcaino hitting 3rd???
Yeah, you read that right - it's that's time again. A few of my old links have passed on, and I've discovered a few new ones. Ready?
Kicked to the Curb:
Rafe has apparently gone silent at AstroInExile, so he's gone. ThrowsLikeAGirl has moved to - I'm just going to change her link to their general link, because all their blogs are great. The Cub Reporter is now included on the link. Sadly, Barstool's Cheap Liquor is no more.
Jumping on the Bandwagon:
All-Baseball.Com - note the links right next to the all-baseball link: most valuable, cub reporter, etc., including ThrowsLikeAGirl. All good stuff. - I just discovered this site, but it seems pretty cool.
That's it.
According to the Braves announcers last night, 'don't be surprised atseeing Lance Berkman taking grounders at 1B today'. Well, if Lance can't even play LF, I'm not sure I want him starting. Also,
career games at 1B for Lance Berkman: 7
career games at 1B for Mike Lamb: 67
career games at LF for LB: 489
career games at LF for ML: 14
So, um, why not move Lamb to 1B and Berkman to LF?
"I'm definitely not going to retire." - Jeff Bagwell
My question is, how much pain must he be in to even be asked that question?
John Thomson vs. the Astros, after the 1st inning:
8 IP
1 H (a solo HR by Morgan Ensberg)
0 BB
5 K
Thomson is pretty good, but.....ouch. Offense....hurting.....Vizcaino...batting....3rd....
Oswalt vs. Smoltz today. Berkman will be starting. I'll be watching. Oh, and according to the Chronicle, once Berkman is activated, one of Bruntlett / Harville / Duckworth will be sent down. I know Harville had a rough outing yesterday, but I hope that Bruntlett goes down. I just don't see what he brings to the team at the moment. Viz, Burke, and Lamb can all play the IF.

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